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What are the differences between and the PRDH-IGD?

Period1621 - 20211621 - 1849
Original documents Yes No
Family reconstructions No Yes
Type of documentsBMD records, obituaries, death cards, tombstones, notarized documents, censuses, marriage repertories, parish records, postcards and moreBMD records, Individual files, Couple files, Family files
Subscription typeTime based (24h, 1 month, 1 year)Purchasable “hits”

What are the benefits of being a member of both sites?

The PRDH-IGD is a database of ALL vital events (baptisms, marriages and burials) recorded by the Catholic church in Quebec and French Canada from 1621 to 1849, as well as a genealogical dictionary of families commonly referred to as "Family Reconstructions". The PRDH-IGD database contains over 2,500,000 records.

Every individual mentioned in these records receives their own "individual file" in which all the information available on the individual is centralized. The individual file also contains links to every record in which the individual is mentioned in the database.
In addition, each married couple is assigned a "family file" which fulfills a similar role as the individual file, but in relation to a family unit. It contains the list of all the couple's children with links to their individual files, the list of all baptisms, marriages and burials of these children with links to the records in question, and additional information on the married couple.

As such, the PRDH-IGD database can be described as a comprehensive family tree of the French-Canadian population from the beginnings of the colony to 1849.
More information about PRDH-IGD

Members who are subscribed to both and the PRDH-IGD have access to the following exclusive features:

  1. View the original document (parish register) on from any PRDH-IGD certificate
  2. View the PRDH-IGD individual file of any individual named in a's LAFRANCE certificate
  3. 10% bonus PRDH-IGD hits free of charge (up to 100 hits) on purchase for subscribers